

  • Hyperparameter
    • Variable that we need to set before applying a learning algorithm to a data set.
  • Challenge
    • There are no magic numbers that work everywhere.
    • The best numbers depend on each task and each dataset.

Hyperparameters categories

1. Optimizer Hyperparameters

  • related more the optimization and training process than to the model itself.
  • learning rate, the minibatch size, and the number of training iterations or Epochs.


2. Model Hyperparameters

  • more involved in the structure of the model
  • the number of layers and hidden units and model specific hyperparameters for architectures like RNNs.


Learning Rate

  • Good Starting Points
    • then a good starting point is usually 0.01
    • these are the usual suspects of learning rates
  • Gradient
    • Calculating the gradient would tell us which direction to go to decrease the error.
    • the gradient will point out which direction to go
  • Learning Rate
    • Is the multiplier we use to push the weight towards the right direction.


Learning Rate Decay

  • It would be stuck oscillating between values that still have a better error value than when we started training, but are not the best values possible for the model. learning-rate-stuck.png
  • Intuitive ways to do this can be by decreasing the learning rate linearly.
    • also decrease the learning rate exponentially
    • So, for example we’d multiply the learning rate by 0.1 every 8 epochs for example. learning-rate-exponent.png

Adaptive learning rate

  • There are more clever learning algorithms that have an adaptive learning rate.
  • These algorithms adjust the learning rate based on what the learning algorithm knows about the problem and the data that it’s seen so far.
    • This means not only decreasing the learning rate when needed,
    • but also increasing it when it appears to be too low.
  • Adaptive Learning Optimizers


  • Online(Stochastic) training
    • fit a single example of data set to the model during a training step
  • Batch training
    • the entire dataset to the training step


  • Minibatch training
    • online training is when the minibatch size is 1
    • batch training is when the minibatch size is the same as the number of examples in the training set


  • Good Starting Points
    • The recommended starting values:
    • 32 often being a good candidate.
    • larger minibatch size
      • allows computational boost that utilizes matrix multiplication in the training calculations
      • but that comes at the expense of needing more memory for the training process and generally more computational resources.
      • Some out of memory errors in Tensorflow can be eliminated by decreasing the minibatch size.
    • small minibatch size
      • have more noise in their error calculations and this noise is often helpful in preventing the training process from stopping at local minima on curve minibatch-small-large.png
  • experimental result
    • too small could be too slow,
    • too large could be computationally taxing and could result in worse accuracy.
    • And 32 to 256 are potentially good starting values for you to experiment with.



Number of Training Iterations

  • To choose the right number of iterations or number of epochs for our training step,
    • the metric we should have our eyes on is the validation error.
  • Early Stopping
    • determine when to stop training a model
    • roughly works by monitoring the validation error and stopping the training when it stops decreasing.


Number of Hidden Units Layers


  • The number and architecture of the hidden units is the main measure for a model’s learning capacity.
    • Provide the model with too much capacity
      • it might tend to overfit and just try to memorize the training set.
      • meaning that the training accuracy is much better than the validation accuracy hidden-accuracy.png
    • Might want to try to decrease the number of hidden units
    • Utilize regularization techniques like dropouts or L2 regularization hidden-utilize.png

The number of hidden units

  1. The more hidden units is the better
    • a little larger than the ideal number is not a problem
    • much larger value can often lead to the model overfitting
  2. If model is not training
    • add more hidden units and track validation error
    • keep adding hidden units until the validation starts getting worse.
  3. Another heuristic involving the first hidden layer
    • larger than the number of the inputs has been observed to be beneficial in a number of tests

The number of layers

  1. It’s often the case that a three-layer neural net will outperform a two-layer net
    • but going even deeper is rarely helps much more.
  2. The exception
    • Convolutional neural networks where the deeper they are, the better they perform.

RNN Hyperparameters

  • Two main choices we need to make when we want to build RNN
    1. choosing cell type
      • long short-term memory cell
      • vanilla RNN cell
      • gated recurrent unit cell
    2. how deep the model is rnn-hype-layers.png
  • In practice, LSTMs and GRUs perform better than vanilla RNNs
    • While LSTMs seem to be more commonly used rnn-hype-cell.png
    • It really depends on the task and the dataset.

Sources and References

If you want to learn more about hyperparameters, these are some great resources on the topic:

More specialized sources: