
Semi-Supervised Classification with GANs

  • A much more generally useful application of GANs is
    • semi-supervised learning, where we actually improve the performance of a classifier using a GAN.
  • Many more current products and services use classification than generation.
    • Object recognition models
      • based on deep learning often achieve superhuman accuracy after they have been trained.
      • Modern deep learning algorithms are not yet anywhere near human efficiency during learning.
  • People are able to learn from very few examples provided by a teacher.
    • But that’s probably because people also have all kinds of sensory experience that doesn’t come with labels.
    • We don’t receive labels for most of our experiences.
    • And we have a lot of experiences that don’t resemble anything
      • that a modern deep learning algorithm gets to see in its training set.
    • One path to improving the learning efficiency of deep learning models is semi-supervised learning.
  • Semi-supervised learning
    • can learn from the labeled examples like usual.
    • But it can also get better at classification, by studying unlabelled examples
      • even though those examples have no class label.
    • Usually, it is much easier and cheaper to obtain unlabeled data than to obtain labeled data.


  • To do semi-supervised classification with GANs
    • we’ll need to set up the GAN to work as a classifier.
    • GANs contain two models, the generator and the discriminator.
      • Usually we train both and then throw the discriminator away at the end of training.
      • We usually only care about using the generator to create samples.


  • The discriminator
    • For semi-supervised learning focus on the discriminator rather than the generator.
    • We’ll extend the discriminator to be our classifier
      • and use it to classify new data after we’re done training it.
    • We can actually throw away the generator, unless we also want to generate images.
    • So far a discriminator net with one sigmoid output, gives us the probability
    • We can turn this into a softmax with two outputs,
      • one corresponding to the real class
      • one corresponding to the fake class


  • Training
    • Now we can train the model using the sum of two costs.
      • For the examples that have labels, we can use the regular supervised cross entropy cost.
      • For all of the other examples and also for fake samples from the generator, we can add the GAN cost.
    • To get the probability that the input is real,
      • we just sum over the probabilities for all the real classes.
      • Normal classifiers can learn only on labeled images.
    • This new setup can learn on
      • labeled images
      • real unlabeled images
      • and even fake images from the generator.
    • Altogether this results in very low error on the test set
      • because there are so many different sources of information even without using many labeled examples.
      • To get this to work really well, we need one more trick called feature matching. training.png
    • Feature matching
      • The idea of feature matching is
        • to add a term to the cost function for the generator,
        • penalizing the mean absolute error between
          • the average value of some set of features on the training data,
          • and the average value of that set of features on the generated samples.
      • The set of features can be any group of hidden units from the discriminator. feature-matching.png
  • So semi-supervised learning still as some catching up
    • to do compared to the brute force approach of just gathering tons and tons of labeled data.
    • Usually, labeled data is the bottleneck
      • that determines which tasks we are or aren’t able to solve with machine learning.
    • Hopefully using semi-supervised GANs,
      • you’ll be able to tackle a lot of problems that weren’t possible before.


From the Scratch